
Affichage des articles du mai, 2018

23. My cat in few words (and pictures)

Name: Julian Date of birth: 5/04/2017 Nickname(s): Julianito, toutou, "khanfous", "farfouch", "katkout" ... (every nickname can work) Zodiac: Taurus Favorite meal: Yogurt Favorite toy: a useless piece of paper about to be thrown Sleeping time: 15 hours/day  This tiny piece of love is my cat. Here is Julian in few words  He is funny ...  very clean... and observant ... He perfectly knows how to strike the pose...  since he was born.  He loves reading books ... He is open to new perspectives .. easy-going ... he may be an artist (sometimes ...)  Sleeping is one of his favorite hobbies ...  He also loves meditating ... but when he is unhappy, it clearly shows ...

22. Tunisair m'a bien servie!

De nature "nabbara", j'ai constaté que la majorité des Tunisiens (je dis bien la majorité et non pas tous !) ne font que du "tanbir".  Pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas ce terme, "nabbar/nabbara" c'est un râleur/une râleuse, qui se plaint souvent.  Sur les sites internet et les réseaux socieux, j'ai toujours lu des commentaires négatifs à propos de la compagnie aérienne nationale "Tunisair" et plus précisément les plats qu'ils servent pendant les vols. On dit souvent que c'est écœurant (et d’autres adjectifs horribles…). Les passagers qui prennent des vols en classe économique voudraient du caviar avec du champagne peut-être…  Hier, j'ai pris le vol 712 en provenance de Casablanca vers Tunis.  Sabrine Jartouh  © 2018 L'équipage était adorable, souriant et serviable.  A peine 30 minutes de vol et les repas étaient servis.  Au menu, il y avait:  Entrée : salade verte comportant des maïs, ...

21. AUI: final episode

"Hchoma" is a synonym of "shame" in Moroccan Darija... During my last semester at Akhawayne University, I have been given the opportunity to work on a project called .. " Hch'O'ma: a documentary about the liberation of sexual discourse in Morocco "  I have joined one of the pioneers in the bubble of media production at AUI.  However, I won't mention her name for privacy reasons (others know her very well).   Our research question was very simple:  For those who do not speak neither French nor English, how can they get their sexual education in Moroccan Darija?   The project is the fruit of a question that was asked between a group of educated students one day.  The need and the duty to think about the others has pushed us to dig deeper into our research and see the causes/consequences of not being well-informed about the sexuality in general within the Moroccan society/context.  I was honored to work on this project in the sen...